A monthly Training series for you
FLIGHT Fundamentals from Dr. Jessica Harden
“How Independent Are You?”
“What Season Is Your Business In?”
“Chase After These C’s”
“Sneaky D’s”
“How Can You Be “Confident” in Something You Have Never Done Before?”
“A Fast Way to Keep on Track”
“Are your Goals Aligned with your Beliefs?”
“Thank You from Dr. Jessica”
“Fearless in FLIGHT”
“Clarity Amidst Chaos”
“Get the Buzz Going for Your Bus”
“Don’t Underestimate This Obvious Concept. Use It!”
“Do Women Really Have this “Natural Gift”?”
“The Power of Choice”
“Abundance, Scarcity and Enough”
“Purpose and Hope”
“Interest and Practice”
“What Does It Take to Make a Success? GRIT!”
Important FLIGHT Resources
- Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton
- Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown or anything by her!
- Holding on Loosely by Pablo Giacopelli
- GRIT by Angela Duckworth
- Referenced by Dr. Erin: “Fightmaster Yoga” Channel
- Referenced by Dr. Erin: “Law of Attraction” Tony Robbins’ Channel
- Dr. Jessica’s video: Reece Witherspoon Woman of the Year https://youtu.be/JKKRBnpDpBY
- Dr. Teandra’s video: “The most Inspirational video for women ever – How to have motivation and never give up” https://youtu.be/fia4HY9pWuo
- Dr Erin and Dr. Sarah’s PowerPoint reference: Brene Brown “Anatomy of Trust” https://youtu.be/ewngFnXcqao
- Dr. Patti’s video #1: Jessica’s Daily Affirmations https://youtu.be/qR3rK0kZFkg
- Dr. Patti’s #2 video: Dare change: https://youtu.be/RHDCF3WV-kQ
- Tony Robbins
- Ronnie Doss – https://www.dossteam.com
Are You Ready to Take FLIGHT?
FLIGHT – Female Leaders Inspiring Greatness, Harmony & Tenacity
Ladies – Join Us Today!